Wednesday 30 November 2011


I know I don't usually post two days in a row so you can probably guess it's because I've got news.

Ok well some of you may know about the famous (or not) novel writing competition NaNoWriMo.

Well for those who don't; every year on the 1st November you have to write 50,000 words and send it to them by the end of the month (which is today for me). I took part in it for the first time ever and................................................................................................... I FINISHED THE TARGET!!!! AND I'VE PAST!!! I'M A NANOWRIMO WINNER!!! WHOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry..... lost myself there. But I've decided I'll put up a chapter of what I've written every week starting January. I just want to see how everyone else likes it.

Also I've been threatened again by the same person as yesterday...... I know I should be scared for myself but I'm not..... I'm scared for my little sister who is also being threatened :( xxxx

Thank you for reading my blog,

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